Patrick Palmer Sensei 5th Dan (Godan) Shidoin
Patrick Palmer Sensei started training in spring 1995 under the instruction of Sensei Mike Smith and Shihan William "Bill" Smith (affectionally known as "the gaffer"). He obtained the rank of Shodan (1st Dan black belt) at winter school 2001, which was awarded to him by Shihan Smith.
In 2004 he reached the rank of Ni-dan (2nd Dan Black Belt) and accepted the title of Fukushidoin (Assistant National Coach) awarded yet again by Shihan Smith. In the same year he went to Japan, spending 3 weeks in Tokyo where he took instruction from Doshu, Shihan's Seijuro Masuda, Tsuruzo Miyamoto, Yukimitsu Kobayashi and Shigeru Sugawara.
In January 2010 Sensei Palmer obtained the rank of San-dan (3rd Dan Black Belt), and dedicated his efforts to his ill father who passed away a month later. 2015 marked the 30th anniversary of the UKA and a special visit from Waka Sensei (Dojo-Cho). During this summer school, Sensei Palmer was promoted to the rank of Yon-dan (4th Dan Black Belt).
Each year in January, Hombu dojo announces Kagamibiraki Gradings, we are pleased to announce sensei was honoured to be promoted the the rank of 5th Dan (Go dan) black belt in this years Kagamibiraki honours list for 2022
Sensei is a senior Instructor (Shidoin) at our aikido association Go Shin Kai, who's Headquarters are (Ren Sei Kan) at Kidderminster. He continues to improve his Aikido through diligent training and instruction at his clubs in Worcester and Kidderminster.